Eldridge Falls

The Misson

Eldridge Falls was the last stop after visiting Ettinger and Millet Falls that day. Eldridge falls was the least impressive spot out of the others we had visited. This could possibly be mostly attributed to the unfortunate fact that people have been using it as their own personal dumping ground for their random junk.

Getting There

Map here. Eldridge Falls does not actually require any hiking to get to. You can drive right down Eldridge road and just peek over the edge. But there are lots of little trails around it and you can approach it from multiple entrances, so it is as long or short of a hike you choose. We accidentally turned this one into a larger hike when our gps just lead us up a road that ended at an atv trail that connected to the falls. We just said what the heck and walked the muddy atv trail all the way up to the falls 2 or 3 km later. It took us quite a while hopping from one dry ridge to another avoiding the muddy lakes in-between.

The Unfortunate Trash Heap

Once we had finally made it to the falls I was overwhelmed with a feeling of great rage and disappointment when I saw the state my fellow humans thought appropriate to leave the otherwise beautiful natural landmark in. Old car parts, trash bags and even a microwave or two thoughtlessly strewn down the side of the hill. Unfortunately this is not the first waterfall site I had seen tainted by such inconsiderate actions. I had nearly stuck my hand in a dirty diaper scaling the side of a hill at Ettinger Falls. It is easy to snap your pictures without the glaring eye sore, but in person it is difficult to ignore the lack of respect for nature and try not to think about how the people who would do such a thing must be slowly loosing their grip on humanity one monstrous deed at a time. Those poor unfortunate souls. One can only hope they are being haunted by the ghosts of the Eldridge family for the rest of their days.


Besides the enormous trash heap that sullies the environment, the falls themselves and the river it flows down seem fairly unbothered by it. It is a pity I could not as unaware and care free as Eldridge Falls. It is a cute little waterfall, but I would not visit this site again since I find the copious amount of garbage a tad depressing to look at.